Marketing and public relations are your hobbyhorse - what can a layman imagine under these topics?
It's a very diverse range of topics - from campaign planning, to organising events and trade fairs, to cooperation requests, press relations and budget planning, it's all here. Basically, you can say that you are responsible for almost everything that concerns internal and external communication about the brand.
You are currently working on your Master's thesis - how difficult is it to reconcile your studies and professional ambitions?
There are phases when there is a lot to do in both areas - so of course you have to be flexible and, above all, have good scheduling. But here at Kostad there is a lot of understanding from colleagues as well as from the management. That simplifies everything, of course.
What tasks does a marketing manager at Kostad become familiar with on a daily basis?
The beauty of it is that no two days are the same. Whether it's event planning, creative sessions for new ideas and campaigns, or designing advertising materials and meetings with new cooperation partners. The IPO of Kostad last year was also very exciting for me personally. You don't experience something like that every day. So it never gets boring.
You have already organised several events for Kostad, which one was the most exciting for you to plan?
That's difficult to say, because every event organization and execution has its exciting aspects. Whether our Charging Day or trade fair visits to Dubai, Berlin or Salzburg.
At Kostad you work closely with me - very successfully from my side - how do you see it?
Well, unfortunately you can't always choose your work colleagues, but it's going quite well. No, all joking aside. I think our skills complement each other ideally and we also stick together well as a team, which is very important for ideal cooperation and, above all, for quick successes for the company.
The coming years will be very exciting for our department - what challenges do you see ahead of us?
In my opinion, a lot will happen in the whole industry in the next few years. For us, this also means putting Kostad in the spotlight as a brand even more, developing innovative ideas and reaching our target group in the best possible way. In addition, further expansion into other countries will be a very exciting topic that will accompany us.
Electric or combustion engine?
The next car will definitely be electric.
Acceleration or comfort?
Both have their charms, but if I had to choose, it would be comfort.
Maximum speed or distance?
I rarely drive long distances, so top speed.
Audi or VW?
Neither of these are necessarily my brands, so Mercedes!